quinta-feira, 29 de abril de 2010

Torta Paulista


01 xícara (chá) de manteiga
01 xícara (chá) de açúcar
02 gemas
01 lata de creme de leite (com soro)
500 gramas de amendoim torrado e moído
02 a 03 pacotes de bolacha tipo maisena
Leite e açúcar para molhar as bolachas

Modo de Preparo

No liquidificador, bata o açúcar, a manteiga e as gemas. Acrescente o creme de leite com soro, bata e reserve o creme.
Passe as bolachas no leite com açúcar e coloque uma camada em um pirex médio untado. Faça camadas de creme, amendoim torrado, outra de bolacha. Finaliza com creme e amendoim. Leve para a geladeira.

Um comentário:

Unknown disse...

The Breitling Watch
are made with the essence of perfection. We have the Breitling Windrider
style resembles the extremely popular Bentley 6.75
. Bentley Motors
is known for its outstanding durability.

The original simplicity of Tiffany jewellery
designs is thoughtfully reproduced and painstakingly crafted for reproductions that remain ageless. Timeless beauty is reflected in the intricate Tiffany earrings
designed flowers. And silver rings
are produced with Tiffany rings
original handcrafting process and attention to detail. The Breitling Watch
are made with the essence of perfection. We have the Breitling Windrider
style resembles the extremely popular Bentley 6.75
. Bentley Motors
is known for its outstanding durability.

The original simplicity of Tiffany jewellery
designs is thoughtfully reproduced and painstakingly crafted for reproductions that remain ageless. Timeless beauty is reflected in the intricate Tiffany earrings
designed flowers. And silver rings
are produced with Tiffany rings
original handcrafting process and attention to detail.